The project "Nutrition Garden for Food Security" aims to address the challenges faced by communities in the Koderma district of Jharkhand, India. These challenges include residing on the fringes of forests due to low green cover and low crop yields, leading to anemia and malnutrition among community members. Asia Initiatives, in collaboration with Savera Foundation, aims to enhance food security and livelihood opportunities by implementing kitchen gardens. These gardens improve agricultural productivity through sustainable resource use. SoCCs are earned through various activities such as planting fruit trees, distributing seed balls, street cleaning, and attending meetings. In return, the community redeems SoCCs for organic compost, vegetable seeds, kitchen garden equipment, training, and market linkages. The program focuses on improving agricultural production, crop diversification, and better access to health and nutrition for women and children. Additionally, the project directly benefits 600 women.
Micro Credit and Livelihood
LOCATION: Jharkhand, India
LOCAL PARTNERS: Savera Foundation
Beneficiaries: Directly benefits 600 individuals.
Women-Centric: Focuses on improving nutrition and livelihoods, particularly among women.
Nutrition Focus: Aims to address issues of anemia and malnutrition through nutrition gardens.
Partnership: Implemented in collaboration with Savera Foundation.
SoCCs Integration: Incentivizes community participation through Social Capital Credits (SoCCs).
Sustainable Benefits: Provides resources like organic compost and vegetable seeds for sustainable food production.
This project contributes to 6 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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