Cascades of Learning is our flagship education initiative through which participants help younger children stay and succeed in school to earn SoCCs which they redeem for different learning opportunities for themselves.
Cascade of learning menus are defined through SoCCratic dialogues. For over 6000 women and girls in India, Ghana, Kenya and the USA have participated in the dialogues
Our Projects
We supplemented our Cascade of Learning programs for young people in Lucknow, Odisha and Yavatmal with online spoken English, digital literacy and life skills classes given by our SoCC Buddy mentors in the USA, UK, and India over Zoom. Our girls in Lucknow held their first ever Technology Fair inspired by our partner KidsWhoKode. Girls also learned life skills and health modules in the Girls Clubs organized by our partner Global G.L.O.W. Volunteers also taught computer skills and financial literacy to formerly incarcerated women in New York.
Learn more about our Cascade of Learning projects here:
Learning for Girls & Women Finalist Geeta Mehta Pitches Cascade of Learning at Virtual Solve Challenge Finals