Asia Initiatives has partnered with Hour Working Women (HWW) to provide advanced and beginner computer classes for women in the HWW community. Our joint effort is to provide a thorough understanding of computers to prepare them for when they re-enter the workforce. The women in the HWW program are a varied group that consists of mothers, college students,former inmates, and high school level students. Many of the women also want to attain certain levels of education such as passing the General Education Development(GED) tests, as well as an English Language certificate.
The SoCCratic dialogue with the women from the HWW community determined community and individual needs to use as acts of Social Good. Acts such as babysitting, cooking, cleaning, tutoring and aiding the elderly have already been identified and added to their SoCCs earning menu. Individual SoCCs can be redeemed for sessions on financial literacy, getting tutoring help for children, and basic or advanced computer and math classes. The women will attend classes that are appropriate for their levels, either in beginner or advanced classes. The beginner classes will range from learning about Word, Excel, and other commonly used computer functions.The advanced classes will learn about Google and all of its functions such as Google Docs, Google Spreadsheet, and Google Drive. The program will also provide Math classes, and other supplemental resources such as 1:1 tutoring. There are Community SoCCs (CommSoCCs) to be redeemed such as group outings or activities such as birthday parties. By participating in this program, the HWW community not only obtains skills to use in their everyday lives through an interactive and engaging platform, they also become confident about the critical skills that are needed in today’s workforce.
Education & Technology
LOCAL PARTNERS: Hour Working Women (HWW)
SoCCs earned by babysitting, cooking, aiding the elderly, giving yoga lessons, getting tutoring help for children, and attending the computer classes
SoCCs redeemed for classes on Word, Excel, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheet, and Google Drive
This project contributes to 6 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)