In 2018, Asia Initiatives collaborated with the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), which focuses on improving lives and livelihoods of tribal and rural communities. SoCCs are implemented into the program, which enhanced livelihoods and ensuring food security among farmers and their families in Tamil Nadu. In this region, farmers cultivate on a small scale with limited irrigation due to defunct and silted wells. Farmers are earning SoCCs for practicing water conservation, better farming techniques and sharing water. Women earn SoCCs for attending health camps, and the community earns for planting trees and sending their female children to school. In return, farmers are receiving loans to buy cattle and to cover costs to help deepen wells and provide better water storage. SoCCs can also be redeemed for items, such as academic fees and computer training for children, medicine for both human and their livestock, and quality seeds.
This is a multiyear project, to learn more select year program:
Environmental & Sustainability
Micro Credit & Livelihood
LOCATION: Tamil Nadu, India
Farmers participate in the creation of organic farming inputs, community building programs and take classes on organic farming and are part of a Farmer Producer Organization
Redeem for low interest loans to start floriculture business
This project contributes to 7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
4 villages have been selected based on the eagerness of women farmers who have shown interest in cultivating floriculture which basically provides regular and sustainable income.
Phase 2 aims to identify 30 farmers from 2 villages and motivate them to take up this enterprise through their FPO.
Organic Greens cultivation training and demonstration will be conducted and each farmer will be allocated 25 cents of land for cultivating 40 different green leaf species.
Each farmer will get an income of Rs 20,000 per month.
Providing a space for women farmers to participate vibrantly by giving them regular employment, which is expected to increase their income by 30-40%.
In 2019, Asia Initiatives collaborated with the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), which focuses on improving the lives and livelihoods of tribal and rural communities. SoCCs are implemented into the program, which enhances livelihoods and ensures food security among farmers and their families in Tamil Nadu. In this region, farmers cultivate on a small scale with limited irrigation due to defunct and silted wells. Farmers are earning SoCCs for practicing water conservation, better farming techniques and sharing water. Women earn SoCCs for attending health camps, and the community earns for planting trees and sending their female children to school. In return, farmers are receiving loans to buy cattle and to cover costs to help deepen wells and provide better water storage. SoCCs can also be redeemed for items, such as academic fees and computer training for children, medicine for both humans and their livestock, and quality seeds
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